Friday, July 20, 2018

Configure Report Parameters

Follow these steps to configure the report parameters:

1. In Model Editor, expand the node for the
TransDate series, expand the GroupOn node, and then select the TransDate node that is located below the GroupOn node.

2. In the
Properties window, type =Year(Fields!TransDate.Value) for the Expression property.

3. In Model Editor, expand the
Parameters node, and then select the CustomerTransactions_TransType parameter.

4. In the
Properties window, set the following property values:

o Allow Blank: False

o Data Type: Integer

o Default Value: 2

o Visibility: Hidden

5. For the
Values field, click the ellipsis button (...) to open the Select Values dialog box. Click From dataset and then set the following values:

o Dataset: LedgerTransTypeEnum

o Value field: Value

o Label field: Label

6. Click
OK to close the Select Values dialog box.

7. In Model Editor, right-click the
Parameters node and then click Add > Parameter.

8. Select the node for the parameter.

9. In the
Properties window, specify the following values.

o Data Type: DateTime

o Name: FromDate

o Prompt String: From date:

10. In Model Editor, right-click the
Parameters node and then click Add Parameter.

11. Select the node for the parameter.

12. In the
Properties window, specify the following values.

o Data Type: DateTime

o Name: ToDate

o Prompt String: To date:

13. In Model Editor, expand the
Designs node, expand the AutoDesign1 node, and then expand the node for the chart data region.

14. Right-click the
Filters node, and then click Add Filter.

15. Select the node for the filter.

16. In the
Properties window, specify the following values.

o Expression: =Fields!TransDate.Value

o Name: FromDateFilter

o Operator: GreaterThanOrEquals

o Value: =Parameters!FromDate.Value

Hossein Karimi  

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