2. Press Ctrl+Shift+W to enter the development environment.
3. In the AOT, expand the Data Dictionary node, right-click the Tables
node, and then click New Table.
4. Right-click the table and click Properties.
5. In the Properties window, set the Name property to TmpCustTableSample and set the Table Type property to TempDB.
This will define the table as a SQL Server temporary table.
6. Expand the node next to the TmpCustTableSample table so that you can see the Fields node.
7. Press Ctrl+D to open another AOT window and move the window so that you can see both AOT windows.
8. In the second AOT, expand the Data Dictionary node, expand the Extended Data Types node, and drag the following types to the Fields node in the first AOT window:
o AccountNum
o CustName
o LogisticsAddressing
o CustGroupID
o Phone
o CustInvoiceAccount
o Action Days
o InclTax
9. In the second AOT window, expand the Base Enums node and drag the CustAccountStatement enumeration to the Fields node of the first AOT window.
Best Regards,
Hossein Karimi
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