Saturday, July 14, 2018

Create a Workflow Type

A workflow type defines the business document being acted upon, the supported
AOT elements, and event handlers and menu items for the workflow. Workflows
are created based on a type, and many workflows can be based on the same type.

Demonstration: Creating a Workflow Type

Perform the following steps to create a workflow type and bind it to the
workflow category created in the previous demonstration.

1. Open the

2. Expand the
Workflow node.

3. Right
-click on the Workflow Types node and select Add-ins >Workflow type wizard.

4. Click

5. Enter
SalesCreditLimitAppr in the name.

6. Enter
SalesCategory in the Category.

7. Enter
SalesCreditLimitApproval in the query.

8. Enter
SalesTable in the Document menu item. 

9. Click Next.
10. Click
Finish. A development project with a number of newly created
elements will be displayed.

Best Regards,
Hossein Karimi

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